Diversified funds
Diversified funds


From 11.59pm on 3 March 2023, Mercer became the manager of Macquarie Asset Management Public Investments (NZ) Ltd’s (MAM) wholesale funds. The wholesale funds were renamed to the Mercer Wholesale Funds, and are open to wholesale investors only.


Contact Brian Kearney, +64 21 278 0993 to invest.



The Mercer Investment Trusts New Zealand and Mercer Wholesale Funds are available only to wholesale investors in New Zealand.

The information contained on this page is provided by Mercer (N.Z.) Limited (Mercer) and is general information only.

Mercer has not sought to verify it independently. No investment decision should be made based on this information and you are advised to seek advice from a financial advice provider. Please refer to the Terms of Use of this website. Past performance should not be relied upon as an indicator of future performance.

Copies of all documents are also available in hardcopy by emailing us at nzportfolios@mercer.com